Best Crystals & Stones for Protection: The True Story

Best Crystals & Stones for Protection: The True Story
Protect you and your family from negative energy
• Protect you from "energy vampires"
• Handle empathy in a better and healthy way
• Don't feel yourself as the victim of situations
• Be more balanced and less emotional vulnerable
• Protect your energy field from electromagnetic waves.

I constantly receive messages from people who ask me about the best crystals and stones they should wear for protecting themselves, and their family, from negative energy.

This is the consequence of many cultural, social and historical factors of the age in which we live, the need of protection comes from there.

Best Crystals & Stones for Protection

The culture of marketing says that you still need something to be safe and protected. In other words you still need to look for something outside of yourself to find healing and balancing.

The story of "stability, safety & prosperity" reveals the true state of humanity: constant transformation.

In addition to that, many people in the western world lost historical traditions, cultures and rituals of their Countries, they're our cultural roots and part of our social identity.

We forgot to develop true intuition (we frequently cultivate illusions), and "analytical thinking" seems to be the only way to analyze and build a prosperous and stable future.

How to actually protect yourself from negative energy on a day to day basis?

Are you looking for some suggestions on how to prevent that toxic energies harm your own frequencies bringing instability and emotional weakness?

If so, the first thing to do is STOP trying to create a "shield" or "wall" between you and everything around.

Here are the primary reasons:

• Looking for something that shields you from what life has to offer makes you weak and weak, so the need for protection will be never enough. Instead, you need to work on reinforcing your emotional structure and expand it. 


• When you try to protect yourself your body assumes the posture of contraction or closure, the opposite intention of every healing journey. 
The real goal here is, again, expand and reinforce. 
At that point, you don't need for any protection because 
you will be solid, emotional and energetically aligned, ready to manifest your higher self.


• Words carry information not just as "neutral" meaning, but also in the form of frequencies that go deeper affecting emotions and then your energy field.
Looking for "protection" has a negative impact on yourself because it carries the information  that you fear of something.

Fear is the most debilitating and common virus of the modern world, and it's the first thing you need to keep away if you want to grow. 
When you allow the fear to take control of your choices, your energy field reduces its radiance instantly and significantly. 
The more you're scared, the more your consciousness and your soul becomes weak. 

So, what I strongly recommend is replacing the limited purpose of "protection" with the solid goal of "expansion & densification".

If you find yourself emotionally drained, too much sensitive or emotionally unstable, keep in mind that answer is ALWAYS within you, and it's related to what you need to expand or balance in your own emotional field. 

Mind always working on reinforcing and balancing yourselves instead of thinking, "you need a magic pill" to protect yourself and your family.

The truth is that there is not a stone (or a few ones) that is good for everyone because everything is related to how individual, cultural, social and historical factors interact with you and what reality brings. 

You can identify the Crystals that effectively support you in bringing more stability and balance by recognizing which of these emotional profiles is more related to your situation.

Please mind that Crystals don't give you more energy. 

Instead, they work by creating new spaces, freeing and transforming stagnant energy there are within your body. That's why you feel that sense of realizing when you find the right Crystal remedy.


*ps. What you find here below are the most common reasons why people feel they need protection. If your situation is different make sure to book your Crystal Consultation HERE so I can assist you personally.


and high sensitivity in general

If you're hypersensitive to electromagnetic waves, sounds, colors, smells, you're frequently stressed and anxious, and you frequently suffer from muscular tensions and migraines you should start reestablishing a deeper connection with your Roots (First Chakra) immediately.
I suggest you to work 
with Chiastolite, Garnet, Hematite, Jet Stone, Smoky Quartz or Staurolite.

GO THERE to find the best Crystals for you.

However, it is possible that the First Chakra is not the only emotional area you should work on. If you already worked on your Root but you didn't solve your issue, you also need to work on your Bordeaux Chakra by wearing Turritella Agate, Silicified Wood, Labradorite, Meteorite, Magnetite, Black Obsidian, Black Garnet, Black Septarian, Stromatolite, Tektite or Black Tourmaline.
Find out the best jewel for you HERE.



If you suffer from physical and emotional weakness your Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras exceed, and Bordeaux, Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus are blocked or weak.

In means that you're able to receive the energy from the Universe (etheric feed) but your physical body can't handle the flow.

In other words, this energy stagnates anding up to weak the whole body/consciousness.

If you are in this position, you should work with stones and crystals that teach you the way to your deep root, here you find the crystals I really recommend to wear for at least one month to see the energy shifting.


You know that absorbing external influences is easy to you when you feel that other people influence your decisions frequently, your intimacy is vulnerable, and you need to reinforce your own personal territory.
If so, should immediately work on the Solar Plexus Chakra to defend and reinforce your motivation, self-esteem, freedom to act, responsibility, your ego, and position by wearing Yellow Apatite, Bronzite, Citrine, Heliodor, Tiger Eye, Pyrite, Pietersite or Honey Calcite.

Find out HERE the healing jewel that is perfect for you.

you're the victim

Do you frequently find yourselves as the "victim" of situations? 

I recommend you work on re-establishing a healthy connection with your physical body, discovering what you're passionate about and what you love. 

In addition to that, you probably need to create a more healthy relationship with food and with the sense of pleasure in general.

You could also need to live your sexuality more naturally, without prohibitions or, at the opposite, compulsive behaviors.


You need to work on re-establishing the energy flow of your Sacral Chakra back with Brown Aragonite, Amber, Cacholong, Fire Opal, Tantalite, Hematoid Quartz. Here're the Crystals that work for you.

conflict with authority

When someone in your life affects your dignity, prejudicing your self-esteem, I strongly encourage you to work to gain the strength to free yourself from him (most common), or her by re-establishing a deeper connection with your consciousness and will. 


A too severe education or fundamentalist religion may create limiting-believe patterns (also unconsciously) that restrict your decision-making skill significantly. 

In this situation, other people end up making a decision for you and charismatic figures, or everyone who wants to control your actions and energy can take advantage of you. 

If you find yourself in this position make sure to work on reinforcing your Crown Chakra re-establishing your inner guidance and your identity.
I recommend working with Amethyst, Charoite, Tiffany Stone, Kammererite, Lepidolite, Purple Scapolite, Purple Opal by wearing them as jewels or taking them with you as much as possible close to your skin. 
FIND OUT HERE the stones that are coherent with your needs.

protection from electromagnetic waves

From 2000 the number of technology devices increased exponentially. 

Cellular phones, cordless systems, and computers started to belong to our daily life even more, and today, we live immersed in these artificial frequencies. 

These microwaves are not biocompatibleso your body needs to work constantly to fix these toxic pieces of information. 

This requires stability and an additional source of energy. 

When the first Chakra is well balanced, you can fix this information in real-time. If not, your energy field needs more and more energy to do the work day by day.

That's why even more people suffer from chronic fatigue, and more and more children are hyperactive. 

Walking in nature is a great way to cleanse your energetic field from electromagnetic waves, and of course, many crystals and stones that work on grounding are excellent for turning toxic information into something that your body can easily utilize.


However, most of these crystals and stones end up emitting the same toxic energy as soon as they're saturated, so we need to clean them frequently. 

The only stone that doesn't store energy and then doesn't turn it into toxic is Shungite.

In addition to that, Shungite also has other properties that make it unique in the Chrystal Kingdom.

These texts show that Shungite is the only stone that doesn't charge negative energy so you don't need to clean it.

Unique Properties of Shungite

There are a few type of Shungite:

• TYPE I, Silver Shungite (Elite Shungite), with 98% of carbon and the maximum quantities of fullerenes

• TYPE II, Black Shungite, with 64% of carbon 

• TYPE III, with 30%of carbon.


Scientific experiments showed that fullerenes give to Shungite these unique properties:

• Shungite helps the body to instantly fix all the artificial informations that comes from the environment. 

• It neutralizes electromagnetic waves' impact, not by shielding frequencies, instead of turning them as biocompatible.

• Shungite opens the access to the first Chakra (the energy of life) 

• Shungite has the ability to densify the energy field

• Shungite doesn't hold frequencies that don't belong to its natural structure and composition.


We'll talk about each of these properties in one of the next posts on blog.

If you wanna dive deeper into Shungite healing properties I highly recommend to read the book "Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification" by Regina Martino.
In this book, the author shows the outcome of scientific tests with different types and shapes of Shungite. 

It will amaze you.

As always , hope this article was helpful for you. If you have some questions or doubts feel free to leave your note in the comment section below write an email to, I'll reply you personally as soon as possible.


All Love


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