Crystal Consultation for Spiritual Healing

"There're thousands of Crystals on Planet.

How to figure out which one is the best for me?"

I hear this question every day and you're probably asking yourself the same thing!

I totally get your frustration. Identifying the stones that actually sustain your purposes, assisting you in healing emotional wounds is a delicate job that requires attention, care, and experience. It has nothing to do with magic or superstitions. It's all about frequencies.

When searching for the best crystals to work with, you might come across information about the healing properties of numerous stones in books or online. However, relying solely on this method can often lead you astray. Here's why:

You lose the focus on yourself among the Crystals, each of them seems to work great! So which one you should choose?

Crystals work differently for each of us because everyone has a unique and different signature vibe and a unique way to cope with events and the energy that they bring. 
Mind that Crystals work by combining their signature vibe with yours. What works great for others could be useless or even harmful for you.

You may find three, four, five or more Crystals and every one seems to be perfect! So you may choose the one that looks nicer to you and this is not a great move in 80% of the cases.
In fact, this way to proceed leads you to work with your portrait stone, which has the same vibe you currently have. It doesn't serve you to evolve, and eventually 
it ends up to increasing unbalancing.

You try to combine the healing properties of Crystals with your needs or symptoms, not with the source of the block. 


There's a huge percentage of information about Crystal healing out there that are made up by marketing choices, not researches or studies. These are superstitions and you can't get any real support from them.

Crystals are valuable tools that support your journey of self-awareness, but they are not shortcuts to avoid the essential inner work

Happiness, joy, fulfillment, and well-being always rise from within.

The more the energy flows naturally within the body, the more we can express our truth confidently, the more our physical and psychological systems work efficiently. 

The outcome in daily life is that we feel vital, we actively overcome the obstacles that life offers, and what we need and want manifests itself with ease.


When we feel good, we're more likely to express our truth with confidence, embracing life experiences with trust and positivity. That happens when the energy flows in the body pretty naturally and fluently.

On the other side, when we experience, for example, low self-confidence, discomfort, and chronic stress or anxiety, it's because the energy is blocked in some areas of our body and dealing with the daily challenges is difficult.

This stagnation creates emotional conflicts that may stabilize the block and if unsolved, may become palpable permeating tissues, organs, and systems, creating discomfort and illness overtime.


Every Crystal spread a unique and distinctive frequency. This frequency, if appropriate, stimulates the movement of the energy where it is stuck, facilitating the recovery of a spontaneous and free flow of energy.

Working with the right stone allows the energy to flow in the way your body is biologically created: naturally and fluidly.

That's why when you find the right Crystal, you immediately feel a sense of relief, expansion, and comfort.


• Crystals facilitate healing and openes, yet they do not force or condition your behaviors, thoughts, and choices as drugs do. So, stay open to receiving and be responsible for your experience with them.

• Crystals are a powerful compendium to facilitate overall healing and balance at the physical and energetic level, and they cannot replace any medical treatment or eventually the prescription of your doctor.

When some of your Chakras are "blocked" or weak, you can help restore their balance by working with crystals that resonate to move their energy. This way we promote an harmonious and proper function of our whole energetic/subtle field.

Choose the journey package you need

Just a few consultations are available each month. Make sure to save your spot as soon as you can.


Essential Crystal Consultation
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • Delivered via email as a text
  • Best ways to work with your Crystals to get maximum results
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • Additional Activities to boost your Journey
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag


Develop your energetic intelligence
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • How to work with your Stones
  • Additional activities to boost your Journey
  • Delivered as PDF file
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag


Manifest your Higher Self with the Best Crystals
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • Best ways to work with your Crystals to get maximum results
  • Additional Activities to boost your Journey
  • Delivered as PDF file
most chosen

Each package explained


Manifest your Higher Self with your Crystals

The Blooming package includes:

• THE EXCLUSIVE MEDICINE BAG WITH YOUR STONES (only by booking the Blooming Consultation) 

You'll receive the Giardinoblu Crystal Medicine Bag with your Crystals at home so you can start to work with the Crystals you need immediately. 

The Giardinoblu Crystal Medicine Bag is Handmade in Italy with a soft damask black on black fabric and gets to you in a robust and elegant black box, perfect for a very special gift or yourself.


You can keep using your Giardinoblu Crystal Medicine Bag with other stones for all your journey with Crystals when you'll work with different stones.

Booking a Blooming package consultation is the only way to get the Giardinoblu Crystal Medicine Bag. 

Your body/consciousness can't fluently and fully handle telluric and cosmic energy. 
The status of your current energy field is the diagram that shows the irradiation of each of your Chakra back and front so you can clearly identify what's
 hold you back from manifesting your full potential. 

Crystal Medicine Bag by Giardinoblu

Based on the status of your current energy field, in this section you find the Chakras you need to balance right now. 

• YOUR KEY CRYSTAL (one or more if necessary) 
You get one or more Crystals that encourage you to make the next significant step to evolve and manifest what you need in life.

The Complementary Crystal is able to close and complete the harmony of the Key Stones.

• YOUR COMPENDIUM CRYSTAL (when necessary) 
The Compendium Crystal is the Crystal or the Stone you should work with for just a few hours per day when you're sleeping, you're meditating or when you're having breakfast by drinking it as an elixir for example.
The compendium Crystal is not always necessary.

The Channelling Report is the outcome of the interaction of each stone with the energy field of your own body. 

Wearing Crystals without taking any other action is not enough to radically shift your journey, especially if you need to heal deep wounds.
Over this section I suggest you some meaningful activities you should integrate into your daily life to actually find the balance and boost your transformation.

When you have your stones, you also need to know how to use them to experience their energy at best. This section shows you exactly how you should integrate the Crystals and Stones you need in your daily life.


The result of this consultation is delivered via email as PDF file.


Learn to manifest your higher self and embrace the life your're born to live


Develop your energetic intelligence

This package includes:

Your body/consciousness can't fluently and fully handle telluric and cosmic energy. 
The status of your current energy field is the diagram that shows the irradiation of each of your Chakra back and front so you can clearly identify what's
 hold you back from manifesting your full potential. 

Based on the status of your current energy field, in this section you find the Chakras you need to balance right now. 

• YOUR KEY CRYSTAL (one or more if necessary) 
You get one or more Crystals that encourage you to make the next significant step to evolve and manifest what you need in life.

The Complementary Crystal is able to close and complete the harmony of the Key Stones.

• YOUR COMPENDIUM CRYSTAL (when necessary) 
The Compendium Crystal is the Crystal or the Stone you should work with for just a few hours per day when you're sleeping, you're meditating or when you're having breakfast by drinking it as an elixir for example.
The compendium Crystal is not always necessary.

Wearing Crystals without taking any other action is not enough to radically shift your journey, especially if you need to heal deep wounds.
Over this section I suggest you some meaningful activities you should integrate into your daily life to actually find the balance and boost your transformation.

When you have your stones, you also need to know how to use them to experience their energy at best. This section shows you exactly how you should integrate the Crystals and Stones you need in your daily life.


The result of this consultation is delivered via email as PDF file.

This package doesn't include the physical Crystals.

Learn to manifest your higher self and embrace the life your're born to live


Essential Crystal Consultation

This package includes:

• YOUR KEY CRYSTAL (one or more if necessary) 
You get one or more Crystals that encourage you to make the next significant step to evolve and manifest what you need in life.

The Complementary Crystal is able to close and complete the harmony of the Key Stones.

• YOUR COMPENDIUM CRYSTAL (when necessary) 
The Compendium Crystal is the Crystal or the Stone you should work with for just a few hours per day when you're sleeping, you're meditating or when you're having breakfast by drinking it as an elixir for example.
The compendium Crystal is not always necessary.


The result of this consultation is delivered via email as regular text.

This package doesn't include the physical Crystals.

Start to raise your own unique vibe with Crystals

It's not about your experiences.

It's not about your goals.

It's not about your thoughts.

It's about what you need, right now.

How it works


the energy field

When you book your crystal consultation (no metter which package), you instantly receive a link in your inbox that gives you the access to a quick form that takes just ten minutes maximum.
In the form you find:  

It allows me to have a picture on your energy field figuring out how your physical, emotional and mental body handle the energy that comes from the outside. 

Just a few questions to share your purposes and goals with me because they drive your actions and your future.


Everything you need is fill the form and send me your answers. That's it!


The channeling

Having a clear vision on your energy field and knowing your goals isn't enough to figure out exactly which stones vibe to actively support you.


The information that stones give us in the form of frequencies are complex and limiting their activity is the wrong way to work. Plus, Crystals work differently for everyone.


What I need is listening to how your body responds to the frequencies of Crystals. The best method to do it is connecting my energy field with yours by channeling at a distance.

The channeling allows me to verify which crystals bring the perfect frequency to create a new space of releasing opening up to progress, growing and transformation. You'll get your report in just a few hours.


The consultation could not resonate with my life more. Francesca not only recommend me the stones I should work with but also many ways to work with them to get the best result. But my favorite part was when she suggested different activities I should do to balance the Chakras I need to balance in my life. Thank you Francesca!

Erika Kravetz, North Huntingdon - US

The Crystal Consultation totally reflected my personal state at this time in my life, what I am and what I feel right now. Francesca not only understood my current situation but she helped me to clarify unlocked energy and blocks that I needed to relieve.Francesca is very emphatic andshe understands very well the person she works with without even using words.I would definitely recommend Francesca for her professionalism as crystal consultant and for her empathy working with people.

Maristella Colombo - Owner at Maiden Art Jewelry Milan, Italy

Who does provide your Crystal consultation?

I’m Francesca Mancini,  Bioenergetic Crystal Healing Therapist.


I started to experiment with the energy of Crystals on myself in 1999, as self recovering practice over a time of burnout and spiritual/mental bewilderment.
This journey completely shifted my vision about the human body, my body and the environment.

In 2003, I decided to share this experience with others by creating wearable tools for spiritual healing with natural Crystals and Stones, founding my brand Giardinoblu.

In 2016, I quit my full-time job and created the online shop and dove even deeper into the Crystal Kingdom.
I started to work with people from all over the world, helping them to free their self-healing abilities, finding their purposes and transforming their emotional blocks and boundaries into invaluable gifts discovering the life for which they were biologically created.
My work and researches in Chrystal Healing field place the emotional body (not the illness) at the center of every therapy.


Crystals can actively support you to be happier in this incarnation, more confident about sharing your gift and manifest your purposes and mission. Wearing Crystals is a powerful way to get there faster.

Book your private crystal consultation now

Just a few consultations are available each month. Make sure to save your spot as soon as you can.


Essential Crystal Consultation
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • Delivered via email as a text
  • Best ways to work with your Crystals to get maximum results
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • Additional Activities to boost your Journey
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag


Develop your energetic intelligence
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • How to work with your Stones
  • Additional activities to boost your Journey
  • Delivered as PDF file
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag


Manifest your Higher Self with the Best Crystals
  • Your Crystal Frequency
  • The Exclusive Giardinoblu Medicine Bag
  • Status of your Energetic Field
  • Your Crystals delivered at your home
  • Best ways to work with your Crystals to get maximum results
  • Additional Activities to boost your Journey
  • Delivered as PDF file
most chosen

Any Questions or doubts?

Let me know by using this form, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.