Francesca Posted on May 06 2021

Over this article, you discover the crystals that I recommend keeping with you at night to facilitate good sleep, relaxation and also if you want to facilitate your dreaming works.
Good sleep, a dream of many
Most of those who suffer from insomnia and difficulty sleeping result from mental and physical tension due to an excessive activity (or unbalancing) of the Third Eye Chakra's front side.
We stimulate the Third Eye front during the day when we analyze, study, read, or just watch tv or cellular phone. These activities stimulate the analytical mind to stay active, focused, and vigilant.
That's exactly what we need during the day, but during the night, the story is different.
When the sunlight goes away, and the darkness rises up, our frequencies are supposed to cover the other side of the spectrum, facilitating relaxation and the whole system.
However, especially for many who live in modern western society, this natural shift in frequency is a chronic struggle. Due to a wide range of factors starting from lifestyle, food, and daily habits, many of us tend to remain stuck in states of a high frequency of the Third Eye front during the night.
That means that we're not able to stop thinking, perpetuating mind chatting and muscle tensions in the entire structure of our body. Then, relaxing mental and physical tension supporting resting and good sleep looks impossible.
That's why the most effective crystals that support good sleep and relaxation are the ones that gently activate the back of the Third Eye, where imagination, peace, and dream vision dwell.
Mind that crystals are tools to support healing and well-being.
They're not the solution. The stones and crystals you're going to find in this article are tools to support relaxation; still, if you suffer from insomnia, they're not enough to change your nights, you might need to change some habits, reconsider what you eat, relationships and basically every aspect of life.
Best stones and crystals to support good night sleeping & relaxation
Most insomnia and difficult sleeping cases result from mental and physical tension due to an excessive irradiance of the Third Eye Chakra's front side.
We stimulate the Third Eye front during the day when we analyze, work, read, or just watch tv or cellular phone. This irradiation stimulates the analytical mind to stay active, focused, and vigilant.
That's fine during the day, but when this frequency remains active during the night, we may not be able to stop thinking, perpetuating mind chatting and muscle tensions. Then, relaxing mental and physical tension supporting resting and good sleep will be impossible.
That's why the most effective crystals that support good sleep and relaxation are the ones that gently activate the back of the Third Eye, where imagination, peace, and dream vision dwell.
Here's what to do:
Find the Crystal that resonates with you most by reading their energetic message here below. Then, place its pebble inside your pillowcase, making sure to keep the stone as much as possible close to your skin when you are lying down.
It would be even better if you had the chance to go to the crystal shop and physically connect yourself with each of these crystals; that way, you would bypass the rational mind giving you the chance to make make an even more accurate choice.
White Jade is a great master in teaching how to release obsessive thoughts and calm mind rumination in order to let things go and liberate the mind.
White Jade is the stone that provides the highest and most "radical" frequency for calming the mind chatting.
Territories of main teaching:
Letting things go, stop mind chatting.
Therefore it's recommended if you do not suffer from insomnia or severe sleep disorders.

The signature vibe of Scolecite assists us in calming the invading thought, finding relaxation by melting anxiety, stress, and emotional and muscle tensions.
Territories of main teaching:
Finding peace in spirit, discovering calm over stressful moments.

The frequency of Selenite assists us in creating a saving space between thoughts, gaining a serene place of peace and relaxation.
It helps not only restorative sleep but also to fall asleep.
Territories of main teaching:
Making space of peace between thoughts, finding calm, supporting meditation.

Sleeping with Sunflower Quartz is a wonderful way to open a window to the unconscious mind and learn more about ourselves from there.
In fact, this crystal is a great facilitator in remembering dreams in detail, raising a calming and bright space of peace and relaxation during sleep.
Territories of main teaching:
Leading to inner vision, supporting dreamwork.

+plus, if you're living a moment of stress in life because of unexpected events that bring apprehension and worries, add Manganocalcite as a cuddle to one of these. It will help in calming emotional thunderstorms, opening to relaxation and trust.
It works on the Heart Chakra.
Territories of main teaching:
Raising peace after and during emotional thunderstorms, finding calm in apprehensions.

additional crystal recommendations for having Restful nights
If you're looking to have a night of better sleeping I also highly recommend to
• Do not keep in your bedroom stimulating or grounding stones like Black tourmaline, Black Kyanite, Hematite, or Magnetite as big pieces. Black Septarian and Petrified Wood, even if grounding stones are soothing and calming so, they could be fine.
Crystals like Amethyst, Celestite, Rose Quartz, Lepidolite, Moonstone, as a cluster, druses or spheres, are more recommended for bedrooms.
• Establish and respect a regular wake-sleep circle making sure to sleep at least 6-7 hours per night.
• Eat and drink clean, especially in the evening. Give the necessary time for digestion to your body before lying down.
• Stay away from mobile devices for at least one hour before going to bed.
Thank you for spending your time with me by reading this article. If you have some questions or doubts, don't hesitate to write everything in the comment below, I'll reply personally as soon as possible.
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Stay Bright and Free,
All Love
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