HUMANS & CRYSTALS A lifelong chemical connection

HUMANS & CRYSTALS A lifelong chemical connection

If you love crystals and you've been wearing them or working with them for a while, you might feel a special bond with them. Isn't it true?

Is the special connection you feel just because they're beautiful, or there's something more?

What is that something?

For decades, people have said humans are made of stardust, but only in 2017, scientists and physicists have confirmed that most of the elements responsible for the complex chemistry behind life and geology are the products of various stellar reactions

It means that the majority of Stones and Crystals are made of the same chemical elements as the human body, your body.

Crystals and Humans

We are similar creatures in some aspects. As happens for every creature that speaks a similar language, there's an implicit and subtle communication between us.

Crystals speak our own language at the chemical level.

In fact, the majority of chemical elements that we find in stones and crystals also constitute the human body; 

In the graphic below, you see which elements, in specific, are present in both crystals and the human body.


Crystals and the human body

The composition of Crystals and stones are complicated and combine many different chemical elements together. The elements you find in the graphic are the ones that are present in a high percentage.

The chemical composition of crystals and stones is complex. 
If we think in these terms, the bonds between the stone and the body are multiple, not focused on one organ or one system.

This is only to understand the truth behind the physical connection we sense with the stones, not a way to find the best stone for you. 

Not all the elements we find in stones are also present in the human body. Some of the ones that are not in the human body can be potentially harmful if absorbed in large quantities. But of course, the tiny percentage we find in crystals cannot create any discomfort at all.


Here are some of them:

LITHIUM is one of the most effective treatments for bipolar disorder, and recent research may make lithium the key to unlocking the causes of that illness.


BORON affects the way the body handles minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also increases estrogen levels in older (post-menopausal) women and healthy men. Boron is an element found naturally in leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach. We can also find it in coffee, grains, prunes, and raisins.


There is a detectable amount of TITANIUM in the human body, but most pass through us without being absorbed. It is not a poisonous metal. 

Thank you for spending your time here, hope this article inspired you and gave you the information you needed.


All Love


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