Francesca Posted on January 08 2019

I'm writing this article over the first days of the new year, and it's not a coincidence.
This is the time when we make a sort of summary of the past year setting new goals for the future.
It's a new beginning, right?
This year is THE year, we're supercharged, and... you know, full of energy!

The idea of reaching new destinations brings excitement and a sort of electric energy flows into the whole body.
We already see ourselves reaching the new goals becoming who we always wanted to be! Such a beautiful feeling, it's it?
But, what happens next?
We come back to ourselves, and we're exactly at the same point, plus, we feel a subtle sense of frustration because we want something we don't have.
Here's exactly when setting new goals reveals its dark face becoming a source of anxiety.
So, here's the truth: every manifesting process requires patience, consistency, commitment and first and foremost we need to embrace the change fully.
Open our heart to changing, that's the scariest thing for many of us.
We're not satisfied with what we have, but we're safe in our standards, we know the territory.
Evolution and changing require fatigue and also means
• instability (how many time I need to get there?)
• uncertainties (what if I fail?)
• come to create something we never experience.
These are the reasons the majority of people quit because in their heart the fear of changing is bigger than faith.
So, what do you need to do when you wanna actually achieve your purposes and goals?
by Wearing 3 Vital Crystals
The first and vital principle is that everything we are able to bring to life starts from within us.
Meaning the first and non-negotiable stage to evolution and fulfilling is self-acceptance.
So, make sure to read THIS before go forward with this article ;)
step ONE:
The foundation
know what you really want
If you have more than one goal, I suggest you write all of them down on a paper and establish which one has the top priority.
It could be tricky, I totally get it, that's why you don't need to declare your priority immediately. I recommend you to take your time to better clarify it inside yourself.
The reason why I suggest you pursue one goal at a time is that manifesting requires discipline, commitment and also other words a lot of work!
So make sure to set everything in a way that all of your mental and physical energy will be focused on the same goal. If not, it could be compromising your mission and you'll be forced to quit.
step Two:
than what?
Accept to Pay the Price
It's not the vague idea about your goal, it's not a partial vision of what you wanna get, it's the total package of where your goal will bring you.
Everything has a price, even the most "hippy-happy" goal has a cost to pay in exchange.
If your intention is to pursue it you need to be conscious about the consequences, if not, I guarantee you you'll leave the mission.
step three:
the awakening
Be Grateful for every step
When you know your goal, and you're ready to pay the price, forget about it! Yes, you read right.
When you know where you wanna go, every little step to get there becomes crucial so staying focused on each step with no distractions is vital.
You can also call this stage "the transformation," the most extended phase of every manifesting process.
Here it's where you experience the changing.
You can't raise all of your vibes and start to manifest your vision if you don't transform yourself in body and mind like the caterpillar must get wings to become butterfly and fly.
This process always requires time, open view and trust that's why I really recommend embracing the help of some creatures that will teach you the way to walk and how to proceed on this path day to day basis.
3 essential crystals
you should wear over every changing & manifesting process
These are the Crystals I really recommend to wear over every changing period or manifesting process, especially if you're starting your journey with crystals.
You should include almost one of them in the healing talisman set you wear every day.
How we interpret and read the events is based on personal habits and convictions.
No matter which cards we received we have to choose how to read them.
Sometimes changing the point of view is absolutely necessary to evolve and go on in life.
Wearing a high vibe Labradorite helps to recognize the positive side of every situation and put the past in a peaceful place guiding you to find the solution towards transitions and changes.
Labradorite supports you to transform our life at your own term with peace of mind and confident because you know this stone protects you from the negative and judging.
The Higher Mind
It's not a coincidence that Katrina Raphaell includes Labradorite as one of the stones of The Higher Mind.
Power comes from thinking.
Everything is related to how we use this power. With self-discipline, we can develop the Higher Mind, a state of presence and consciousness without judging.
The Higher Mind knows that we are much more than a physical body + mind and emotions.
We're ever evolving souls, creatures of light that can integrate high-frequency energy inside the body.
The Higher Mind knows that every moment everything can drastically change in life, that's why it feeds each precious moment with gratitude and love.
How to wear Labradorite
as a Talisman to support changing
Wearing Labradorite as a ring awakes different purpose depending on the channel you want to activate.
Here're are the fingers I suggest you involve when you're in the path of transformation:
Middle Finger
Wearing Labradorite on the Middle finger helps you to you awake
• self-analysis, this support the Higher Mind and contribute to find the positive in every situation creating your life at your own term as a mission.
• increase your sense of Justice. This can help especially when you feel that something is missed in your life and you're working to discover and show your authentic gift, that was hidden for too long.
Finger ring
Wearing Labradorite on the finger ring supports you to raise:
• Creativity and Transformation.
It allows you to read every situation as an opportunity to shift the events and the way you read them embracing the outcome.
• Relationship, which could be critical when we are trying to change something in our life. May many people judge your new vision so you may need to share your authentic perspective with compassion.
Wearing Labradorite as necklace allows you to learn from all the lessons it has for you without focusing on any aspects.
Wear this stone as a short necklace to allow to your Heart to vibe at its frequency and find relief from all these wounds and discomforts about affections and love for yourself and others.
Labradorite is excellent also as pendant when the healing vibration can better interact with the land where emotions and feeling born.
ethiopian opal
The action comes from what we feel.
Opal teaches you to raise your emotional intelligence and create tangible actions by understanding your feelings and emotions and using them consciously.
"Ethiopian Opal release repressed emotions, fears, and trauma, opening the way for new patterns to laid down." Judy Hall
Ethiopian Opal is a crystal that helps to open the way to rebirth by stimulating all the spiritual gifts you already have.
It's a phenomenal help to face your deepest fears and transform them into your greatest gifts.
Ethiopian Opal for manifesting & Transformation:
There are some varieties of Ethiopian Opal, each of them carries specific knowledge.
Orange Flash: stimulates creativity, helps to raise and understand emotions and deep feelings leading the way to acceptance.
It also dissolves karmic blocks allowing you to shift self-sabotaging habits by allowing you to see the new outcome for the future.
Rainbow Flash: it stimulates soul transformation by overcoming old mental patterns.
Brown Flash: assists with reprogramming patterns that effect on manifestation and physical reality.
How to wear ethiopian opal
as a Talisman to support changing
NECKLACE: the best way to wear Ethiopian Opal to support every changing journey is as a necklace with a length from 15,75-19,69 in (40 - 50 cm). I suggest keeping the stone as close a possible to the Higher Heart Chakra, between Throat and Heart Chakra.
That's because Ethiopian Opal carries the positive dragon energy that awakes the Chakra Base energy, passes through the Solar Plexus to stimulate creativity and unite these forces with the dynamic unconditional love of the Higher Heart Chakra.
Just then this energy can awake mental capacity so you can manifest you higher will.
The Higher Heart Chakra is the door of transformation.
You can also wear Ethiopian Opal as a ring, just make sure that it has enough strong structure.
Wear Ethiopian Opal on Finger Ring: This is the channel that strongest raise the metaphysical properties of Ethiopian Opal you need to sustain your transformation.
Ethiopian Opal, like all the Opal, helps you to raise your emotional intelligence to discover your authentic way to share and express yourselves starting from the inside bringing light to clarify your emotions and feelings. Just when you clarify what you feel within, you are ready to transmute this knowledge into positive actions for your future.
purple fluorite
Purple Fluorite integrates intellect with intuition and gives you a practical guide to find a new way to figure out a positive solution in every challenging situation on day to day basis.
When you wear Purple Fluorite you have to prepare yourselves to receive higher thoughts that come during the day.
All difficulties or "ah ah" moments leave their space to new inspirations and ideas also because of the remarkable lesson about focusing and discipline that Purple Fluorite can give you.
Wearing Purple Fluorite is a great support to facilitate active and lucid meditation all day long tuning mind and spirit.
Purple Fluorite is powerful to bring mind and body in balance especially when you're overwhelmed or tired in mind and body.
Wearing a talisman with purple Fluorite is recommended especially for people who live a busy life, usually need to say focused and concentrated burning a huge amount of mental energy.
That's why it's essential if you're working on a new project, if you have a full-time job and you're working to raise your own business aside, if you're an entrepreneur or a full-time mum and you wanna rise more money by doing what you love from home, just to mention a few examples.
Purple Fluorite continually reminds us of the growing process we are all engaged and how we can transform our unicity into the light with actions.
How to wear purple fluorite
as a Talisman to support changing
NECKLACE: the best way to work with Purple Fluorite is wearing it as a necklace of 50 to 80 cm length as is more comfortable for you.
The nice thing is that you can also use your Fluorite Pendant as an ever handing pendulum whenever you want.
I personally wear Fluorite also as a ring, and it's an invaluable tool for focusing and visioning but you have to consider that some edges could be damaged.
As always, here you find the diagram with the most important aspects I shared with you in this article, hope it inspires and be helpful for you.
Thank you so much for spending your time consulting this.
Today we're called to life a more conscious and meaningful life because that's the way towards fulfillment and wellbeing. Our mind, body and crystals are the powerful tools we have to get there and dive deeper into our own self.
Hope you enjoyed this, have a wonderful and grateful rest of the day.

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